Keep Your Darts Clean

When was the last time you cleaned your darts?

For many players, the answer might be “never.”

Dirt, skin acid, chalk dust, pretzel salt, hand lotion, and even beer can accumulate on dart barrels over time. This corrosive mixture can significantly damage the original finish of your darts.

Skin acid is particularly corrosive. Just like how quickly a new penny or polished silverware tarnishes after being handled, the acid and salty residues from snacks can effectively corrode the nickel matrix that binds nickel/tungsten darts.

Wear on darts, such as smoothing knurling and rounded edges of grooves, is often not just due to hitting other darts. The primary cause of such wear is corrosion.

To extend the life of your darts, it’s essential to clean them regularly, especially after consuming salty or greasy snacks. Both leave corrosive residue on darts.

Any mild cleaner that removes oil, such as hand soap, household ammoniated cleaners, or moist towelettes (without hand lotion), will work. During tournaments or league play, small alcohol swab packets are convenient.

Cleaning your darts not only extends their lifespan but also restores much of their grip by removing the slippery residue and particles that fill the knurling hollows.

Just like any sports equipment, darts need regular cleaning to remove sweat, dirt, and other residues. Yet, many players overlook this simple maintenance.

Moreover, handling dirty darts that have been on floors, bars, tables, and in many hands is, frankly, unappealing.

To ensure your darts last longer and perform better, make regular cleaning a priority.

By Editor